Long before Miss Kylie Jenner ever donned her freshly filled pout all over social media, Angelina Jolie was swooning audiences with her luscious lips on the big screen. And decades before that, Marilyn Monroe was known for her ruby red, perfectly lined lips. So let’s face it; beautiful lips will never go out of style. But like Kylie, not all of us were born with a plump pair of kissers.
And that’s okay! Because with just one quick in-office treatment you can get the lips of your dreams- with dermal fillers.
I know, I know; it’s a bit nerve wracking. As someone who doesn’t LOVE needles, I needed some hand-holding. I mean, I have gotten Botox upwards of twenty-times but getting my lips done was something I wanted a detailed step-by-step for. I needed to know what to expect.
Hence, this blog.
Here’s a complete lip filler guide to getting your own pair of ‘lovely lips’, which will tell you exactly what you can expect before, during, and after lip filler treatment.
A Complete Guide to Lip Filler Injections
1- The must-follow pre-treatment instructions: make sure you follow this list of ‘rules’ before even stepping foot into the office.
- Don’t take any blood thinners at least 3 days before a lip filler or any injectable treatment. So stay away from alcohol, fish oils, and Ibuprofen/Aspirin. Blood thinners lead to bruising and bruised lips are simply not a good look for anyone. (but beware: even if you’ve followed the rules and your injector is the most skilled and talented in the area, you can still bruise.
- Take Arnica Montana pellets (find them at any health foods store or at our office) 4 times a day, 4 days before treatment. Arnica is an all-natural supplement that’s helpful in reducing both swelling and bruising. I truly couldn’t live without it.
- Stay hydrated!
2- Remember that swelling is just part of it and that bruising is common with a lip filler procedure. Managing your expectations is crucial.
3- Once you muster the courage and make that appointment, you’re ready to sit down in the exam chair, sit back, relax, and get numbed. Let your Injection Specialist or the medical assistant apply topical numbing cream to your lips. Let that stuff soak in for a solid few minutes too. It really, really helps ease the pain. Trust me on this.
4- Ask any last minute questions. If you have any specifics with how you want your lips to look, tell your injector. If you have a photo of lips you love, show her. Now is the time!
5- Once you’ve discussed all your lip desires, your Injection Specialist will wipe off the numbing cream and will hold ice on your lips until you’re nice and numb. That way, your lips are as numb as they’ll ever be and will be ready to take on the syringe of filler.
6- Breathe in, breathe out. When your injector tells you to take a deep breath and then exhale slowly, do it.
7- Honestly- you can expect some discomfort. Injections of any kind have the potential to hurt a little. But, it IS tolerable and the sensation only lasts a few seconds with each poke. You can get through this. If I could survive without screaming or kicking and biting, you can! And let me tell you, your pout will make every single poke so worth it.
8- When your injector is pleased with the results, she’ll hand you a mirror so you can see your picture-perfect pout. Remember that they will be swollen though. You can expect them to decrease in size by about 20% once swelling goes down completely.
9- Don’t forget to book a follow-up appointment. This way, you can come back to the office in 10-14 days for your Injection Specialist to ensure your lips are exactly what you both wanted in size and shape.
10- Once you leave the appointment, remember that you’ll be fairly swollen for a solid 3 days. After the third day, swelling will gradually start going down. If you have any weird sensations or abnormal pain though, do not, I repeat, do not hesitate to call the office!
11- I’ve said it before, but I’ll say it again. You might bruise. And even if you didn’t notice any bruises the day of treatment, one might appear a couple of days later. Don’t fret. This is common. Just keep taking those Arnica pellets. You can also take Bromelain supplements or just eat tons of pineapple! This naturally occurring enzyme helps greatly with bruising. Continue drinking that H2O and stay away from alcohol following the treatment too.
That just about sums it up! Not so bad, right? Especially when you consider those ‘lovely lips’ of yours will last around six months to one year depending on the product used!
If you have any more questions about what you should expect with your upcoming lip enhancement treatment, contact our offices in Lake Oswego, OR, Portland, OR or Santa Monica, CA.
Or, if you’re ready to take the plunge and get that perfect pout you’ve been dreaming of- online booking is also available.