Our Providers - Jennifer Kramer - Skin by Lovely
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Meet Jennifer Kramer

Santa Monica, CA CSLA Clinical Director & Paramedical Esthetician Corrective Skincare LA

As a teenager, Jennifer Kramer struggled with acne and tried numerous treatments and products over the years- including regular facials, dry ice therapy, cortisone shots, and Accutane- nothing worked. Because of this, she decided to dedicate her life to increasing ‘confidence through clarity’, and in 1996 – Corrective Skincare LA was born. ​ With more than 27 years experience, she has a specific focus on acne, scarring and hyper-pigmentation, and she has a vast knowledge of chemical therapy for problem skin of all skin types and ethnic backgrounds.​

Excited? Us too!

Here’s a few things you can do while you are eagerly awaiting your appointment!

Find Us Online

Check out our Instagram or our blog to learn more about us & see some amazing before & afters.

Patient Experience

Check out our Patient Experience page to see what you can expect at your appointment!

Pre & Post Care

Please review our recommendations for pre & post care in order for you to receive the best out of your treatment!

Feel lovely in your skin.