Experiencing symptoms?
Give us a call at 877.568.3594 or send us an email and our team will be in touch shortly.
Platelet Rich Fibrin (PRF)
To make the most out of your upcoming PRF treatment, please follow our pre-treatment instructions.
We cannot treat if: pregnant, nursing, diagnosis of any hematological disorder, recent (within 2 weeks) or active infection, or during an autoimmune condition flare up. **Please get clearance from your physician if you have a history of autoimmune, neurological or psychological disorders. Do NOT stop taking any prescribed anticoagulants for this procedure unless cleared by your prescribing practitioner**
To make the most out of your PRF treatment, please follow these post-treatment instructions.
Give us a call at 877.568.3594 or send us an email and our team will be in touch shortly.